Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't It Turn My Brown Eyes Blue

Spent a little time this afternoon with one Helena Stringer, SL Hair designer and sister to my long time friend and supporter, Cherelle Capra of C&D Designs. Helena's little side hobby/talent is Flickr photography. She also dabbles in a few other things, in this case she took an image of the top of my build and placed it directly in the middle of my iris to some dramatic effect. My snaps aren't particularly high rez but in game this looks very striking.

From there we went on to photograph my absolute pride and joy of futuristic tastiness, my Twilight bio-armor and the Vapor street bike from niche creator, Detect Surface who is harder to find in some cases and not so well known but is truly one of the most detailed creators I've encountered in SL. He doesn't have a huge catalog of things he's made per say but what he has made he's made exceedingly well through baking textures at very high resolutions. He's getting ready to release his own full scale Sim here very soon (or so I'm told).

This armor is simply unreal at it's high level of detail, animated lighting effects and overall look, in almost any SL environment it tends to drag down the room into utter lagginess but it is certainly worth breaking out for the occasional look.

The bike handles like a true and trusty steed, it has 4 gear changes, a unique light signature front and reverse animation tied directly into it's movement and goes insanely effing fast, in the forth gear transition it turns a dramatic crimson red. At around 300 prims, I've yet to find a place to really enjoy it at full power before colliding into a neighboring Sim. If anyone out their can suggest a decent SL Autobahn I'm all ears.

Helena then went on to take some higher rez pics of my modded apparel which may be a bit redundant to post here so I'll refrain, to see her very good eye for capturing detail check out her Flickr Portfolio, she seems to have the knack, using very little props or Photo Shopping she's captured some quality images to a consistent degree.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dude can I drool?
    I think I just did
